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Robert Vuketic: "The Quintuple will be an extreme experience for my body"

Robert Vuketic is the first Swissultra participant with a home advantage: he grew up in the city of Buchs. So far he has mainly trained for speed and has often been on the podium at smaller triathlons. The 45-year-old athlete reveals in an interview how he is preparing for the quintuple and what he is looking forward to in his "home game".  


Robert Vuketic: "The Quintuple will be an extreme experience for my body"



Robert Vuketic is the first Swissultra participant with a home advantage: he grew up in the city of Buchs. So far he has mainly trained for speed and has often been on the podium at smaller triathlons. The 45-year-old athlete reveals in an interview how he is preparing for the quintuple and what he is looking forward to in his "home game".  






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Portrait: Robert Vuketiv (*1973) was born in Buchs SG (Switzerland) and lived there for over 40 years. He currently lives in Männedorf (ZH, Switzerland). In August 2019 Robert Vuketic takes part in the Quintuple Ultratriathlon (5 times Ironman distance) in Buchs SG. His greatest sporting successes so far include the successful finish of the first long distance at the Challenge Roth (DE) and 4th place at the Ironman 70.3 in New Orleans.

Robert, you were already a spectator at the first edition of Swissultra in 2016. In 2019 you are now at the start yourself - why only now?

The decision had to mature first. You don't just sign up for an Ultratriathlon - you should gain a few years of experience first. But I am proud to be the first athlete from the city of Buchs to participate in the Swissultra. I always used to say: If there is a triathlon in Buchs, I will take part. I never thought it would be an Ultratriathlon ...

You've always been sporty, but you've become a triathlete by chance ...

That's true. I used to play football for the Buchs football club. Then I played ice hockey for the Werdenberg Sharks. I finally had to stop because of back problems. My physiotherapist advised me to go crawling. I tried it - but after only one length I was already completely exhausted! Of course I didn't want to give up that quickly, so I attended a beginners' course and joined the Buchs Swimming Club. Until my move to the city of Männedorf five years ago I swam at the Masters. Swimming brought me to triathlon.

And you were equally successful?

Haha, not really! Two weeks before the start I bought myself a racing bike; at the competition I think I was third last ... But the participation aroused my ambition. At the next triathlon I reached the 32nd place out of about 100 participants. One year later I took part in the Half Ironman of Rapperswil (Switzerland).

And you got faster and faster!

Yes, I could increase my performance continuously. In 2018 I did four smaller triathlons and was on the podium four times. At Ironman 70.3 in New Orleans (USA) I finished fourth in my age group. Shortly before I reached fifth place on the same distance in Cologne (Germany). With such results triathlon is of course more fun!

Robert, you were already a spectator at the first edition of Swissultra in 2016. In 2019 you are now at the start yourself - why only now?

The decision had to mature first. You don't just sign up for an Ultratriathlon - you should gain a few years of experience first. But I am proud to be the first athlete from the city of Buchs to participate in the Swissultra. I always used to say: If there is a triathlon in Buchs, I will take part. I never thought it would be an Ultratriathlon ...

You've always been sporty, but you've become a triathlete by chance ...

That's true. I used to play football for the Buchs football club. Then I played ice hockey for the Werdenberg Sharks. I finally had to stop because of back problems. My physiotherapist advised me to go crawling. I tried it - but after only one length I was already completely exhausted! Of course I didn't want to give up that quickly, so I attended a beginners' course and joined the Buchs Swimming Club. Until my move to the city of Männedorf five years ago I swam at the Masters. Swimming brought me to triathlon.

And you were equally successful?

Haha, not really! Two weeks before the start I bought myself a racing bike; at the competition I think I was third last ... But the participation aroused my ambition. At the next triathlon I reached the 32nd place out of about 100 participants. One year later I took part in the Half Ironman of Rapperswil (Switzerland).

And you got faster and faster!

Yes, I could increase my performance continuously. In 2018 I did four smaller triathlons and was on the podium four times. At Ironman 70.3 in New Orleans (USA) I finished fourth in my age group. Shortly before I reached fifth place on the same distance in Cologne (Germany). With such results triathlon is of course more fun!

Robert Vuketic, Teilnehmer Quintuple, und Daniel Meier, Initiator des Swissultra Triathlons

They met at the Rhylauf in Oberriet (Switzerland): Robert Vuketic, participant Quintuple, with Daniel Meier, initiator of the Swissultra Triathlon.

Robert Vuketic, Teilnehmer Quintuple, mit dem Organisationskomitee des Swissultra Triathlons

Robert Vuketic with representatives of the Swissultra organising committee: August Waser, Katrin Meier and Daniel Meier.

The Quintuple not only requires speed, but also endurance: you have to hold out for five days to reach your goal. Are you aware of what you are getting yourself into?

I once did two Ironman in seven days, that was pretty tough! I just take the Swissultra day after day. I know roughly what speed I want to hit. It will certainly be a physical borderline experience. But the monotony doesn't scare me; I can easily jog a few hours on the treadmill against a white wall. I know the routes in Buchs and I like them. I like shorter laps.

Do you have a special training plan for the Swissultra?

At the moment I am preparing myself for the Challenge Roth, which takes place on July 7th. For this I train about 15 hours per week. For the Quintuple I don't train fundamentally differently. I just hope that I get enough sleep at the competition!

Have you set yourself a goal? Do you want to get on the podium or just get through?

My goal is to perform consistently. The main thing is to get to the finish at all. I know roughly what kind of performance I can achieve, but I'd rather keep my goals and strategy to myself.

In Buchs you are the "local hero". How did your friends and family react when you signed up for Swissultra?

When I tell you about Ultratriathlon, I often hear reactions in the sense of "Aren't you a bit crazy?" Many people can't even imagine a single Ironman. I was also a spectator at Swissultra and thought I would never do anything like that, it's much too hard! And then it still excites you ... I'm really looking forward to the competition, especially because it takes place in Buchs SG - in a great region where I know a lot of people.

And what do you have the most respect for?
I already have the most respect for the second Ironman, the second day. And for the third and fourth ...


Portrait: Robert Vuketiv (*1973) was born in Buchs SG (Switzerland) and lived there for over 40 years. He currently lives in Männedorf (ZH, Switzerland). In August 2019 Robert Vuketic takes part in the Quintuple Ultratriathlon (5 times Ironman distance) in Buchs SG. His greatest sporting successes so far include the successful finish of the first long distance at the Challenge Roth (DE) and 4th place at the Ironman 70.3 in New Orleans.